Why Does Hiccup Occur After Eating Spicy Food??

Do you love spicy food?

If yes, then you must be familiar with something intense and uncomfortable, called hiccups (chili hiccups).

Hiccup is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs with a sudden closure of the glottis and a characteristic gulping sound.

Now, the reason behind hiccups after eating spicy food is a chemical named capsaicin, which is a part of family of chemicals giving chilies their individual taste and heat character. Capsaicin causes activation of neurons in the diaphragm which contracts and causes hiccups.

But, luckily when we eat food containing capsaicin molecules, it don't stick for much time and is rapidly absorbed in the stomach and intestine to be broken down.

So, now you'll be able to answer if someone asks you the reason behind hiccups after eating spicy food.


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